Tips To Handle Pooling Or “Ponding” On A Flat Roof


Tips To Handle Pooling Or “Ponding” On A Flat Roof

When it comes to building maintenance, you face a variety of challenges as a commercial property owner. The roof of your building is one of the areas where you should concentrate your efforts. You might have a problem with water pooling if you have a flat roof. Puddles on flat roofs aren’t supposed to last for very long.


In fact, this water should drain or evaporate within 48 hours after heavy rain. If this does not happen, you may have problems that need to be addressed right away. In such a case call Roofing & Restoration Services Cheyenne at the earliest for a roof inspection.


Don’t Ignore the Ponding


Some people believe that water should pond on flat roofs, which is incorrect. This is untrue. When there is standing water on your roof, it can cause extensive damage. If you notice serious pooling after heavy rain, you should take action as soon as possible.


Redirect the Water


It’s possible that your roof doesn’t have enough drains. If this is the case, water will pool on your roof until you add additional drains, regardless of the current drainage system. This will help to redirect the water and eliminate pooling. Similarly, you can widen your drains to allow for more water flow. In addition, we offer Insurance Claims Service in Cheyenne. If you suspect that there is damage after a serious storm gets in touch with us right away, to get your free initial inspection.


Unclog Current Drains


Maintaining your drains is the simplest and least time-consuming way to clear your roof of pooling water. Clean your roof’s rain gutters, drains, and downspouts. To ensure that water can drain easily from the roof, remove all sticks, branches, and leaves.


Repitch the Roof


If you have ponding water on your roof, it’s possible that the construction workers didn’t pitch the roof properly the first time. This indicates that your roof does not have enough slope. The water cannot drain if there is no slope. It can be difficult to determine the proper slope for a flat roof. Professional roofers will know the proper slope angles for a flat roof in order for it to drain properly.


Final thoughts

Roof maintenance is critical to your building’s long-term viability. There are some misconceptions about pooling, ponding, and puddling on flat roofs. The truth is that standing water should not be left unattended for an extended period of time. If you have standing water, it’s time to figure out how to get rid of it. For more information on flat roof maintenance, call us today at (307) 365-5470!